
Jack bought two sweaters for $17.99 and a pair slacks for $25.50. including a 5 1/2% tax, how much was his total purchase?

Accepted Solution

⓵ When I see fractions, I usually start by transforming my fraction into a decimal because I find it easier to work with :

5 ½ = 5 + (1 ÷ 2) = 5 + 0,5 = 5,5%

⓶ Then, once you got rid of that fraction, I usually transform a percentage into a decimal because, again, I find it easier to work with :

5,5% = 5,5 ÷ 100 = 0,055

⓷ The next step would be to add both prices together in order to get one unique price to work with instead of two :

$17,99 + $25,50 = $43,49

⓸ Next, you need to multiply the total price you calculated at #3 by the decimal of the pourcentage that you calculated at #2 in order to find the tax amount on his purchase :

5 ½% of $43,49

5,5% of $43,49

0,055 × $43,49 = 2,39195

Since we are calculating money, you need to round up this number at the hundredths, wich means that you’ll end up with about $2,39 of taxes on your total purchase!

⓹ The last and final step is to add the tax amount that you just calculated in #4 to the total price you calculated at #3 in order to find the total of his purchase including the 5 ½% taxes :

$43,49 + $2,39 = $45,88

If you wanted to be a tiny bit more precise, you could have decided not to round up the tax amount in #4 and just round up the final amount ↠

$43,49 + 2,39195 = 45,88195

Wich would, in this case, given you the same exact answer which is : $45,88

But it is important to keep in mind that sometimes the answer might vary if you round up only at the end, depends on your teacher’s exigences more than anything!

→ So the final answer is that his total purchase including a 5 ½% tax is : $45,88!

I really hope this helps, if there’s anything just let me know! ☻